Frequently Asked Questions

Reviewing an Application

How will I know when I have an application to review?
You will be sent an email notification with a link to the application that you have been asked to review. New applications for review will also show up in your reviewer's tile group(s).
How do I make comments on a section of the application form?
To comment on a particular section of the form, go to that section and click on the 'New comments' tile. You will be prompted to enter your feedback. If you want your comments to be visible to the applicant you need to ensure that you have checked the 'Visible to applicant' box.
How do I make general comments about the application?
Use the 'Form Comments' tile to make general comments on the application. These will not be visible to the applicant, but can be seen by the Chair/Administrator.
Will I be able to see the other reviewer's comments?
No, comments are made independently and anonymously so you won't be able to see the other reviewer's feedback.
How do I submit my comments when I've finished reviewing an application?
You need to click the 'Timeline' tile and then the 'Submit Comments' tile to submit your comments to the Chair or Administrator of the Committee or Panel.
When reviewing a resubmitted application, how can I tell whether the applicant has made the changes requested?
The ‘Changes’ tile in the Actions panel will display the total number of changes that have been made, and an indication will also appear at the top of each page of the application where changes have been made. When you click the 'View Changes' button, any new text will appear highlighted in green, and deleted text will appear with strikethrough and highlighted in pink.
Can I print a copy of an application that I'm reviewing?
Yes, once you have clicked the 'Review application' tile you can click on the Print tile to print the form or save it as a PDF. You will have the option of whether or not to include form and/or panel comments (note, you will only be able to see your own comments, not those of the other reviewer). This will print only the form and not the uploaded documents. To print the uploaded documents, or the form and uploaded documents as a single file, click on the Documents tile (but note that you cannot include the form/panel comments if you choose to print the form and uploaded documents as a single file).
Will the applicant be able to see the comments that I make on the form?
You can choose whether or not an applicant can see each comment on the form (sometimes you may wish the Chair to be able to see the comment but not the applicant). If you want the applicant to see the comment, click the 'Visible to applicant' button before saving the comment. Note that if you make general comments using the 'Form Comment' tile these will not be visible to the applicant, but are intended for the Chair only.

Papers for Committee Meetings

Where can I find the papers for the next ethics committee meeting?
If you are a member of a CREC or a Tier 1 panel that reviews proposals at meetings, the Administrator will set up meeting dates on BREAM which you can access via the Meetings tile at the top of your screen. Select the meeting from the list available, and then select the document tab. You should be able to find all the papers for the meeting there as PDFs, including the applications with reviewer comments.